Marketing Automation: Don’t Be Left Behind

Marketing Automation: Don’t Be Left Behind

Have you come back from summer and feel like you are scrambling to catch-up? You probably either enjoyed the time off and fell behind, or everyone else came back and triggers are being pulled like an Expendables movie. There is an another kind of scrambling going on with, and that is for marketing automation. Haven’t heard of it? Heard of it and don’t know what it is? Well, marketing automation is becoming the buzzword these days for any company looking to crush their competition digitally. The concept isn’t exactly new though. It has been around since the 80’s, but only recently has been picking up pace. Today, it is one of the most powerful tools to:

  1. Attract prospects
  2. Turn them into leads
  3. Nurture them into customers
  4. Continue to sell to those customers consistently.

After all, what could be better than having all of this happen automatically?

So what is it that makes this automation in marketing so popular with each passing day? Let’s find out.

What Exactly is Marketing Automation?

As mentioned earlier, in some form, it has been on the marketing scene since the 80’s. It was primitive back then and couldn’t do a lot, but the whole point of it was to try and automate marketing processes to help drive business.

Today however, automation platforms for marketing provide the creation, management and reporting of all of your digital assets in one place. It also allows these digital assets to continually communicate with each other to give you real time data on what is working and what isn’t.

For instance: You start reading an article just like this one that is posted on a blog, or social media. You then:

  1. Hit a call-to-action(just like what you will see at the bottom of this article)
  2. It takes you to a beautiful landing page
  3. You fill out a form to download a free fantastic eBook
  4. You receive your fantastic eBook
  5. A few days later you get an email that gives you even more educational information that you wanted.
  6. Pow! You become a contact.

Each and every one of these steps is made possible by marketing automation. You build it once and it keeps generating more and more leads and it all happens in real time.

Marketing Automation Available For Everyone!

Gone are the days when use of marketing automation systems was limited to only the most successful and financially secure businesses. Those systems required heavy investments and were developed in-house.

Today, thanks to the increasing number of marketing automation platforms, it has been put within reach of small and large businesses alike. These marketing automation solutions can be used by both B2B and B2C companies. Great platforms either have their own CRM or seamlessly integrate into pre-existing CRM systems to maximize marketing and sales potential! Amazing, isn’t it?